I’m in love with Summer. You know I’m a beach boy so into easy life: friends, cocktails and sunsets. This is what I have in my mind when I’m thinking about Summer, but if u are following me on Instagram you will know me as: #Summer4igers Creator @EzioMrLifestyle

Now in my lovely Puglia, next: ICELAND

#Summer4igers Malta



What is #SUMMER4IGERS ? It’s an easy hashtag for Instagram, you can tag all your summer in an amazing gallery of 44.000 pictures uploaded in less than one year with 121 millions of impressions and 7 millions igers reached.

Every 15 days a team of top IGERS will select the best pictures for making an amazing gallery post.

The judges are Criss Jiménez    Gaston Oliva    Rayana Gasparotto     Ria Molde    Xuzzi


Crisss Summer4igers GastonOlive Rayanaa RIA_ MOLDE SUMMEr4IGERS xuzzi summer4igers

Crisss Summer4igers

Crisss Summer4igers


So Let’s Start this amazing Adventure: It’s #Summer4igers TIME.